Geckoboard makes it easy to share your important metrics - whether your team are co-located or remotely distributed around the world.

When you all share an office it's simple to put your dashboard up on a TV for everyone to see, but fostering that same culture of transparency and focus can be harder when you’re limited to communicating via Slack, email, and remote meetings.

Here are some tips on how to get the most out of Geckoboard and dashboards when working remotely or with dispersed teams.

Sharing links give you a public URL to your dashboard. Here’s an example link to a Sales Dashboard.

Because sharing links don’t require a login, they're the easiest way to give your team or investors access to your dashboards.

Some of the most popular ways for using sharing links are to adding them to emails, chats, key documents, internal wikis, and bookmarks.

(Links can be removed or reset and you can also set up IP restrictions for added security. For increased security you can invite people as users to your account and require them to log in.)

More details on setting up sharing links.

Embed your dashboard in in places your team spend a lot of time

Once you’ve got a sharing link you can go one step further and embed a dashboard in the tools you use day to day.

Furlenco embed their CS dashboard in their intranet so it’s there any time a member of the team goes to check important phone numbers or policies.

To embed Geckoboard on an html page all you need to do is to wrap the sharing link in an iframe like so:

<iframe src=""></iframe>

Here are some step by step instructions for:

Share daily snapshots of your KPIs in Slack

When working from home, the conversations you have in Slack are often the closest you get to casual team chats in the office and the proverbial water cooler.

With Send to Slack you can set Geckoboard to automatically post a screenshot of your dashboard each day.

We have our daily sales, signups, changes to our MRR, and some key product stats post to our main company channel each morning  - it frequently triggers interesting conversations.

If you’re using MS Teams instead you can embed a dashboard via an iframe.

More details on setting up daily dashboard snapshots in Slack.

Add as an ‘app’ on your mobile device

Our dashboards are designed to be responsive and as a logged in user you can access all your dashboards on the go.

We’ve found CEOs love the mobile app because it means they can check their data first thing in the morning, late at night, or when travelling to meetings!

Take a look at our instructions for adding Geckoboard to your home screen on an iPhone or android device.

Repurpose an old tablet to have on your desk

If you’ve got an old tablet gathering dust you can turn it into a mini TV dashboard for your desk.

Almost any tablet will do as long as it runs Chrome, Safari or Firefox. You can login, use a sharing URL, or even better use our Send to TV feature.

If you’re using an iPad you can then set it up in kiosk mode so that the dashboard stays open permanently.  

Pin Geckoboard to a browser tab

To make it easier to refer to your dashboard throughout the day, in your browser, save it as a pinned tab.

Pinned tabs allow you to pin a website to the left hand side of your browser tabs making it easier to find. They also help you save space by removing the title.

Here’s how to create them in Firefox and Chrome.

Another useful tip is to set your browser open Geckoboard at start-up. This can be done in your browser’s settings.  

Bring your dashboards to your weekly meetings

Team meetings are a great place to refer to your dashboards - this applies whether you’re working remotely or all in the office!

For remote meetings open Geckoboard in your browser then share your screen.

We interviewed Kevin Watts, Head of Customer Experience at OET whose team recently started working from home as a result of Covid. Here’s what he said about sharing dashboards remotely with the team.

Every Tuesday we have an important meeting, with our dashboards playing a central role. The dashboards act as our source of truth, provide context, and spark conversations among the team. Geckoboard has become a core tool to help guide our business through the dark fog of the Covid situation.

Invite more people to your account

Add more users to your Geckoboard account so they can browse and create dashboards.

There are different permission levels ranging from read only access to specific dashboards through to full editor.

Schedule dashboard screenshots to be sent via email

Finally, you can set up screenshots of your dashboards to be sent to your team via email. With a little help from Integromat and this article you can get your dashboards into important inboxes without any coding.


Got a tip we’ve missed? We’d love to add it to this list. Just drop us an email or message on twitter.