I think it’d be fair to say many of us have a love/hate relationship with Excel. It’s a powerful tool for analyzing and manipulating data, which is probably why over 10% of the world’s population use it. However, for those of us with a less technical mind, it’s easy to get bamboozled by Excel, causing us to need a little help.

Given our recent launch of Excel dashboards, we thought that we’d highlight some Excel thought leaders who can help level-up your Excel skills. The aim is to help you make the most of the spreadsheets, which will feed your TV dashboard.

Most of these folks are, or have been, Microsoft Excel Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) and produce and share an array of useful Excel tips, tutorials, templates and more. They’re genuinely the must-follow people if you’re looking to sharpen up those Excel skills.

Name: Bill Jelen

Twitter: @MrExcel

Website: http://www.mrexcel.com/


Bill Jelen - as his Twitter handle suggests - is simply Mr Excel. He is the man behind the popular Mr Excel Message Board, where you can get your Excel questions answered by experts, and also the Excel tips and tricks websites Mr Excel News and Mr Excel. On top of all this, he has also written books and regularly delivers seminars on Excel. Follow him on Twitter for answers to common Excel questions as well as expert tips to improve your skills.

Name: Purna “Chandoo” Duggirala

Twitter: @r1c1

Website: http://chandoo.org/wp/


Chandoo’s goal is simply to make you awesome at Excel and charting, and he certainly delivers. His website has over 450 articles and tutorials to help with everything from getting started through to more advanced assistance. He also offers training programs, templates and books. Chandoo definitely aims to be an entertainer as he shares more light-hearted tips such as how to build this Animated Flower Pot Cracker in Excel to celebrate Diwali.

Turn spreadsheet data into shareable dashboards

Name: Mike Girvin

Twitter: @excelisfun

Website: https://www.youtube.com/user/ExcelIsFun/


Mike Girvin promises to make Excel fun and may just be doing that with more than a quarter of a million subscribers to his YouTube channel. His channel has 2,500 free how-to videos and over 50 playlists broken out by topic. He has also authored two Excel books and three DVDs. Follow him to get a regular feed of all his super helpful videos and ultimately master Excel.

Name: Barbara Johnston

Twitter: @howtoexcelatex

Website: http://www.howtoexcelatexcel.com/


Barbara Johnston does exactly what she says on the tin, as she’ll genuinely teach you how to excel at Excel. With over 18 years of Excel experience, Barbara shares useful tips and tricks to help you take your Excel skills to a new level via her website, newsletter and ebooks. She also has a great blog series called Formula Friday, where she shares useful formulas to carry out various different actions in Excel.

Name: Jon Peltier

Twitter: @Jon_Peltier

Website: http://peltiertech.com/


Jon’s been doing Excel development since 1995, and is an active contributor to the Excel community. His site has one of the internet’s most extensive collections of information, tutorials, tips and tricks relating to effective and innovative charting in Microsoft Excel, with a few general Excel items as well. If you’re into the NFL and US politics, as well as Excel charting, then definitely follow Jon on Twitter as he will give you great thoughts on all three.

Name: Debra Dalgleish

Twitter: @ddalgleish

Website: http://www.contextures.com/


Debra’s built hundreds of Excel and Access solutions for clients to automate their tasks, saving them time and money. She’s now focused on creating solutions to share on contextures.com with Excel products available to purchase and many free tutorials and videos. Follow her to ensure you get access to all her solutions which will quickly help you make the most of Excel.

Name: Glen Feechan

Twitter: @glenfeechan

Website: http://www.notjustnumbers.co.uk/


Glen is a Chartered Accountant who has used Excel for many years. He provides practical tips to people using Excel in their day-to-day jobs, with the aim of helping them get the most out of the tool. He shares many of these tips via his Twitter account as well.

Name: Ken Puls

Twitter: @kpuls

Website: http://www.excelguru.ca/


Ken helps you be more efficient by automating as many manual tasks as possible through Excel. As the brains behind the Excel Guru knowledgebase, blog, forum, courses and resources, Ken has a wide variety of useful content to help you maximise Excel. A recommended follow on Twitter to ensure you see all his useful Excel content as it becomes available.

Name: Roger Fisher

Twitter: @rogerfisher

Website: http://www.scoop.it/t/excel-easy


Roger is an Excel expert who aggregates some of the most useful Excel articles from around the web and shares them via Twitter. His Scoop.it page is great at pulling together multiple pieces of Excel content from around the web and is well worth a follow.

Name: Tom Urtis

Twitter: @TomUrtis

Website: http://www.atlaspm.com/


Tom is the author and co-author of several books and training materials about the use of Excel. He shares helpful Excel insights via his blog and easily digestible 140 character tips on Twitter. He is an essential follow to gain useful, actionable and easily digestible tips to sharpen your Excel skills.

Good luck upgrading your Excel skills to Jedi level! Hopefully highlighting these folks will give you access to the Excel tools, tips and templates to help you make the most of your Excel spreadsheets in an efficient and effective way. If there’s anyone you think we’ve missed, please go ahead and highlight them in the comments below.

Ready to put your Excel skills to work?

Learn how to build an Excel Dashboard