Product updates

Full bleed image widgets

We’ve updated our image widgets so they now fill the entire width of the widget. We’ve also made the widget’s background transparent so if you’re using a .png, .gif or .svg the dashboards colour will show through, making it easier to brand your dashboard!

Image widgets before Image widgets after

More options for Datasets Geck-o-meter

The Datasets Geck-o-meter now supports the same options as the Number visualisation - so you can apply functions such as Sum, Average, Min, and Max, as well as change the field used for ordering.


Developer site for the Datasets API

We’ve given the Datasets API developer site a massive overhaul!

The new site is split into three sections:

  • An overview of how to use Datasets
  • A tutorial to help you quickly set up your first dataset
  • A complete API reference

We hope this will make it much easier to get started using the new API, and would love to hear what you think. Check it out at


Extra image widget sizes

We’ve added some extra size options to our image widget to give you more flexibility over how you layout your dashboard. Extra image sizes

Split a metric into multiple series on Datasets line charts

Our new Split feature allows you to break down a single metric into multiple series.


This gives you more versatility when working with datasets that have more advanced schemas - such as those where you have entries for multiple categories each day.

Fine-tune tab

We’ve moved and renamed the Advanced Settings controls found in our Salesforce and Spreadsheet integrations. Precision, Abbreviation and Unit Controls can now be found in the new Fine-tune tab. This helps us keep the UI simple, and easy to use, as we give you more control over how your visualisations are rendered.

New Fine-tune tab

Aggregate functions for more Datasets charts

You can now apply aggregate functions to the Leaderboards, Column, and Bar charts you’ve built with Datasets. This makes it much easier to create charts showing things like ‘Total Sales by Country’, or ‘Average Response Time by Rep’.


Unit control

We’ve added the ability to adjust what units are displayed on your Salesforce and Spreadsheet visualisations. The new unit controls allows you to manually enter any prefix or suffix up to 3 characters long. This means if you’d prefer to display your currency differently to our default option you now can. As examples you might want Swedish Krona to show as 100 Kr instead of SEK 100, or New Zealand Dollars to just have the $.

We’ll shortly be rolling out these controls, as well as our precision and abbreviation features to our other integrations.

Unit control example